The spring break was a bummer...both the kiddies had cough and runny nose...which didn't get any better till they finished the 5-day antibiotics medicine. I was starting to wonder if I should get a refill or sth. cuz. both of them finished their 5-day dose but, weren't perfectly well. One day of patience and voila...both were fine. Anyway, they got it from Harvie who's still struglling with some kind of allergy/infection - for the last 40 days...gosh... Lucky me, i didn't catch it. Not to mention the horrible weather which turned a little brighter on Sunday Mar. 25th. So, we continued thinking that it was Spring break as Sehaj only has a couple of hours of school. So , this is what we've been upto...
Ikea - Visited the Smaland...deposited Sehaj and her friend Ashnoor; and Kabir joined the ladies for an hour long shopping at Ikea.
UBC - had a 15 min. meeting with my boss regarding me joining back 6 weeks early...what am I thinking...I know...well, Harvie wants to take a break (so-called)...he wants to take the remaining 6 weeks for job-hunting. He doesn't know that he'll be lucky if gets 5 min. to himself all day long with the two...or maybe he just wants to do all that...i.e. wake up in the middle of the night...feed Kabir, clean-up his drools, get him back to sleep or change his diaper, wake up Sehaj, brush her teeth, bathe her (that I'm thinking I would do the night before to make his life easier), put her clothes (can't wait to see the mis-matchs that they both agree upon LOL or i'll just have that ready as well), give her breakfast, get her snack ready for school, drop her off at school, pick her up from school, give her lunch, put her show on (just one - she could watch tv all day long but, that's a no no), oh yeah and not to forget Kabir, he's always going to be there wanting attention at all times, and not to forget dinner for his wife who is coming back from all-days work LOL ...can't wait to hear him start whining all the time when he really gets into my shoes...that's going to be so much's already making me so joyous thinking what/how/when he would do...what I do everyday 24/7...actually this deserves to be a topic on its own... He really doesn't know what he's getting into.
So, where were we...yeah...picked up Sehaj on Mar. 29th and drove to took forever...well, 50 min. and that's supposed to be good. Met all my co-workers, being a Thursday most of the crew was there. The Tech group was having an open house so, got some tim-bits to chew on. My meeting was short and's final that I'm joining back on April 30th...(can't revert back now). My kiddies have so much fun whenever they visit UBC...esp. my office. Sehaj loves to draw on the whiteboard with all the different colored markers that are at her dispense. I was surprised to see her doodles from the last time that we had visited back in October. And then, I had to visit the book store - my fav. palce @UBC. Bought a well-recommended book that I was wanting after watching a recent Oprah show -
'The measure of a man' by Sidney Poitier. Initially I didn't have the time to get past the Introduction, Preface...but, come last Tuesday, when Kabir was taking his afternoon nap...i started reading it and can't seem to put it down. I just pick it up whenever I get the chance...before I sleep at night. I haven't felt that good in a while after reading half the book. My mind/thoughts are so much clearer. I know what I want and I'm going to get it. There's so much in it that I want to take in...things like 'failure is not an option', 'when the student is ready, the teacher appears', etc. Not to mention the English language's been put together so well...articulate as they say. See, this also deserves to be a topic on it's own. Anyway, that's what i've been upto so no time for blogging lately.
Shefali & Karman's Birthday Party at Go Bananas on Saturday Mar. 31st - was a blast...the kiddies had so much fun. Sehaj was extremely happy that her best of best friends - Navi - was coming...she was going to be seeing her after 6 long months. She had been complaining that why doesn't Navi come to my house...and I've been telling her cuz 'u make so much mess' and so, she got quite better at putting away things properly and all that but, not to my extreme standards...Anyway, she'll get there someday. Couple of our friends came home for coffee and then we talked into Navi's parents to leave her here for a sleep-over (what's that - how old is Sehaj again - ummm 4!!! - gosh...i blame it all on the idiot box 'TV' - that's why she is only allowed to watch one show a day...unless it's sth. like her 'Barbie Fairytopia - Magic of the Rainbow' movie which is going to be aired on Saturday...she can't wait). So, Sehaj was on 'Cloud 9' Sat. and Sun.
Stanley Park - On Sunday, we had to drop off, went to Stanley Park first and then picked up Harvie from UBC @Robson as he had his MBA classes all weekend. Then, had dinner with Navis' family at their home...her mom made yummy food.
Rec. Centre for ice-skating, swimming and multi-sport - Since I'll be joining back soon...i wanted to make the best of times with my kiddies esp. Sehaj so, I've enrolled her in Ice-skating, swimming and multi-sport beginning the week of Mar. 26th. I bought her these beautiful figure skates...light blue with white snow-flakes on them from Sportchek and she's happy as can be. She was also due for a new swim suit...and she had been wanting a mermaid one this time...we happened to be at 'The Children's Place' and they had a beautiful mermaid one...she couldn't ask for more. So, Mon - Fri we alternate between the activities and weekends are free to go about anywhere else we want to go. Kabir goes with us everywhere...the most fun part is that he wants to join Sehaj in everything that she does. He just couldn't resist the water and esp. playing soccer. I had to drag him out so many times. He loves it.
Lots of awesome family fun ideas at